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Master Healer Frequencies

Writer's picture: Kelly CurranKelly Curran

Channeled message September 2024

-A little side note: I found out about Solfeggio frequncies a few years ago when I was using a friends Rife Machine.

(The rife machine was developed from the technology of Royal Raymond Rife who developed a powerful light microscope to view microbes. Once the microbes could be observed, he used a high powered frequency generator to see how the microbes would react when subjected to specific resonant frequencies. Rife’s observations under the microscope showed that the microbes would completely be destroyed when exposed to certain frequencies. Similarly to how an opera singer can shatter glass with their voice, the pathogens are destroyed by the frequencies.) Essentially a rife machine uses sound and light frequencies to heal.

I would go twice a week and while sitting infront of this machine, I noticed that the kind, salt of the earth woman who was allowing me to use her machine would always do a Solfeggio frequency program. She said it was for overall wellness and positive emotions. What I personally noticed was something amazing happening on my drive home after the sessions. I would see orbs rising up and out of my body that contained supressed memories. I wasnt reliving these memories, they were simply being released. And after a few weeks I started to feel lighter and noticabley better. Fast forward to present day. We now own a rife machine and I have been my own experiment, trying out many different frequencies for healing. I had gotten away from using Solfeggio and recently went back to using it. What I noticed was that every single time I used this frequency I would have a bad dream that same night. Really nightmarish. But when I woke up, I felt good and it feeled like space had been cleared. I did a meditation today and asked about this and that is what came through:

))Its ok to be here.

where you are.

it is not "no mans land" as you sometimes feel

it's a, preparing a home.

you think first of your physical home

but we say, this is your internal home we are speaking of. - thats being re-arranged, cleansed and shaped by light.

your internal dwelling moves through shifts too.

your internal consciousness takes a deep breath and dust gets unsettled

and you " clean house"

nightmares are your psyches way of vacuuming out the old fears and beliefts stuck in the cobwebs of the body.

be greatful for these dreams, they are healing and allow you to release on a deeper level because its happening in the astral realm. this dimension is similiar to brain waves during hypnosis, its easy to see with the thrid eye and easy to release.

The dimensional dream world is a part of the human experience and is directly linked also to the body. How could it not be.

A lot of work gets done from this state. Your dreams have always guided you and have been more true to you even than waking life at times. This is becauase there's a freedom in the dream. We are without a body and can travel anywhere while working through the body's karma and dharma.

What your seeing is that certain frequencies like solfeggio work at the / through the cellular memory to clease and clear organs and the body from deeply buried traumas, fears, pains the like.

we bury to protect. When we use the frequency wave of certain hertz it moves through the body an upLIFTS and safely removes old memories with out the need to relive them. did you notice how you observed yourself in the dream . you didnt become-

there fore you statyed unattached and in pure healing mode.

(remember when you drove home from using the rife and you would see orbs of supressed memory leaving your body)

rife is a tool for healing and solfegggio is an ancient hertz that is given by the creator. it exists thorugh creation to help heal by clearing the Mind Body Spirit.

in the beginning was the word and the word was SOUND

life begins and ends with sound

its all about frequency and vibration

sound waves, sun waves, light frequency hertz works with the body to produce harmony and

bring about coherence

hence, bad dreams

they are a result of the shaking out and a return into a state of coherence.

this is what frequency healing does. It's why music conductors have the longest life span of any job, they are constantly being bathed in coherent frequencies.

Your friend Felicity told you to sing to your cells. sing a new song.



om LAM

be the conductor of your life

bring peace to your cells.


Whistle while your work. and keep the faith and trust in the ONE divine creator who loves you with out end. And we are made strong by thee and of thee almighty.

To learn more about solfeggio frequencies check out this site

Some beautiful chants I've been singing over my cells:

Also, check out my dear friend and healer Felicity who I linked above. She has been an amazing source of comfort and light on my own healing journey and always comes through with wisdom and clairity. She is a HIGH healer and does incredible work.

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