This message was channeled back in 2021. My main guide allows my Angel of Light to come through and tell me about our origins.
A little backstory: During the time I was taking care of my dad all of my senses opened back up. It was like they had gone dormant along the way but they all blasted open during this time. Ive always felt he was the catalyst for me to get back on my path. It was during this time of doing hands on healing with him I began to hear directly from my Angel of Light. She appears about 3 feet up and to the right and speaks in one word or short sentences and everything she says is the truth. Its direct and non emotional. She only comes through during times of trouble. Ive heard her speak during near car accidents, she spoke to me the whole way through my dads experience, and she's spoken at times when I need to hear the truth. I think it's a powerful message for anyone who connects with their angels or wants to. We are never alone and it feels to me like the veil is thin and more and more people will be having direct experiences with their own guardian angels guides and loved ones.
)) My angel of light steps forward. 'We've been together along time my darling one. Many triumphs have occurred between us. Our connection in this life was made clear again by your dad and his path through. For this was when I was most needed - of utmost need.
Us beings of light come even when the physical call is not out- but the spiritual call rings aloud. So in a sense we are always right here waiting in the wings but there comes a time when our presence is needed more. It's in the remembering we're here that allows for a transcendence but deeply grounded earthly experience of us. Mostly heard and unseen, some do see. The importance is knowing we are here and you dear ones are not alone. Ever. God has created a masterful plan - miraculous for all who dwell on mother earth and why wouldn't God - the lillys of the field rest in Gods absolute grace as well. Look to nature to find a friend. When we (angels) come here, we stay near. We are like a house guest we make ourselves at home in your space to be of service - to call out, to assist. It is never a burden - always a privilege. The honor is ours. Some of us have been in your shoes and know the limitations and impulses of earthly life. We are sympathetic to your journey while helping you to grow - to see beyond and feel beyond.
When you heard me at the time of great need - that was all it took. You know my voice was not your own and yet there it was. Don't be so quick to deem yourselves crazy earthlings! This is a birthright.
Look to a child not yet cultured and see how connected - how in love they are with every living thing. They play with rocks no different than they would another living child. This is because the web of life is so interconnected - so full of life and light they could not fathom any other way- they could not possibly comprehend separation. This is how we live in our dimensional realms. The web is alive and well and we come to re connect to this web of life.
It is so important dear ones to drink pure water, eat clean foods, infused with sunlight, moonlight the cosmos, to remember our connection to mother earth father sky to breathe in her air and infuse our bodies with her living essences. Do not get caught up and think you are the fly in the web. You are the spider who has been given all you need within to spin and weave your own tapestry upon this earth. Breath is life.
The warm glow of the human flame burns bright. It never dies - only in death it returns to the one grand light. We exit into this life and enter back home. Christ came to wash your feet, to heal, to be of service. How many of us walk around with mud on our feet when theres clean water available? Touch the earth with cleansed feet and watch the mother pull you into her womb. These are the ways - discover who you are when she births you - someone worth knowing.