Channeled Message November 2024
I was sitting under our sacred oak tree meditating when this leaf fell on me. This message followed:
The wound does not make the being imperfect
But rather, the divine now can enter into that being with ease
a cosmic portal has been opened
when we are wounded in any way - the trauma it causes to our physical and mental wellbeing may be a big shock to our system. it reverberates out like a cosmic shockwave.
We go internal. Put a bandage on it and rest
Eventually wonder comes in:
I wonder why this happened - this wound.
Wonder then turns to acceptance.
I accept this happened and move on.
But little do we know - the light has already been let in the moment we got the wound and transformation has already begun.
One day we wake up and see we have changed.
We have transformed by the light within
And how did this light reach you?
One might ask-
And you can safely say, the wound became my greatest source of transformation.
A teacher of great truth paid me a visit.
Come in now, there is no greater time - I'm already down and out. Ive been brought to my knees-
God, will you visit me now, in my time of need?
And if you listen closely you might hear a sound -
of the one who created you and all beings say,
I have always been with you and I will never leave you.
I cannot possibly abandon you. I am here
Summon your spirit within
the force that cannot die
The stream of infinite wisdom and light.
Call upon your heart to
holler on your behalf
I am here.
I am structured in a light body that is eternally alive.
Nothing can truly harm me.
I allow my life to be what it was meant to be...